Ron Tirapelli Ford Inc

Benefits Of Electric Cars

Ford Lightning
You’ve probably heard and seen the dramatic shift in the automotive industry lately. The entire industry is quickly moving from the internal combustion engines that have powered cars and trucks for well over a century. Said industry is switching to a long-lost method of powering cars that have made a comeback thanks to new technology: the electric car. 
Enabled by new higher performance batteries originally designed for laptops and cell phones, modern electric cars are much more mechanically simple, and energy-efficient than cars with traditional engines. Let’s get into the benefits of electric cars below.

Benefits of Electric Vehicles

The environmental benefits of electric cars tend to be obvious, despite the attempts of pundits to cloud the very intuitive reality that vehicles that don’t produce exhaust produce much less pollution over time, even when powered by non-renewable sources. Here are some more benefits:
  • No Gasoline Cost: Electric cars charge, rather than fuel up. Electricity is easier to generate than gasoline is to refine, so it is cheaper. Add to that the fact that the average electric car is more energy-efficient than even the most efficient prototype gasoline ever built, and you have an extremely cheap to run the vehicle.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Hundreds of times fewer moving parts means the drivetrains of electric vehicles require little to no maintenance over their lifetimes, which are roughly the same as the lifetimes of normal engines right now, and are improving.
  • Quieter Drive: A benefit of electric vehicles felt when driving through Shorewood or Joliet Crest Hill is that they produce virtually no noise.
  • Performance: Because of how electric motors work, they provide instant power. Compared to the concert of mechanical devices that must work to get power out of an engine, an electric motor is far more direct and thus can be faster even if it has less power. And they rarely have less power.

What to Do Before Buying an EV

  1. Prepare Your Garage: Before you take to our payment calculator to see how an electric vehicle would fit into your life, remember that to get the most out of said EV you would need a charger in your garage. These often come with new electric vehicles and can be installed by electricians.
  2. Find Local Charging Stations: This is especially important if you don’t have a garage. Plan to maximize your use of your EV.
  3. Explore Incentives: You may be eligible for up to a $7,500 tax credit just by buying an EV! 

Learn More About Electric Cars Today at Ron Tirapelli Ford Inc!

While mass-market electric vehicles are something new, buying a car isn’t, and even if that car is electric our value your trade tool and online financing application can still help you get it cheaper and sooner. Stop by our showroom near New Lenox today!